
The second day of our stay we went to the Redwoods Information Center, Eureka and the Samoa Cookhouse

På vores anden dag kørte vi til informationscenteret vedr. Redwoods skoven, til Eureka og til Samoa Cookhouse

The travel-log restored

The travel-log restored

Back of the travel-log

Back interior of the travel-log

Back interior of the travel-log

Eureka Victorian house

Eureka Victorian house

Eureka Victorian house

Eureka Victorian house

Eureka private garden

Inside the private garden

Eureka Victorian house

Eureka Victorian house

Eureka Victorian house downtown

Eureka downtown street

At the Samoa Cookhouse

At the Samoa Cookhouse

Bill, Geri, Monica, Rebecca and Beth at the Samoa Cookhouse

Samoa Cookhouse interior

Samoa Cookhouse interior

Samoa Cookhouse interior

Rebecca in the museum at the Samoa Cookhouse

Rebecca in the Samoa Cookhouse museum

Monica in the Samoa Cookhouse museum, mad at the malfunctioning calculator

Monica in the Samoa Cookhouse museum

Monica in the Samoa Cookhouse museum

Tools of the logger trade

Monica trying out an old typewriter

Monica with an old typewriter

Kitchen corner

Cookhouse interior

The Samoa Cookhouse

The Samoa Cookhouse

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Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)